About the ministry

Discovering how to make sense of god and life.

Functional Christianity explores the connection between our faith and daily life. God has given us everything we need for life, yet sometimes things don’t work the way we planned or hoped.

We accomplish this through:

    • Through intensive marriage or personal discipleship we examine and discover how Christian principles can help resolve our issues and make our everyday life better.
    • Short, practical lessons about Christianity on Youtube, Facebook, and other social media platforms allow people from every corner of the globe learn to embrace their Christianity and change the world.
    • Conferences, seminars, speaking engagements where the message of Grace is shared.

What others Are saying about functional christianity...

Trained in facilitating Pre-Marital Counseling

Special training certificate to help those suffering with PTSD, and Phobia’s

Marriage Counseling Assessments are critical to a successful relationship! 

Functional Christianity

I'd Love your prayer and support!

Prayer is so important!

Every time I speak either in person at a conference or when I am recording videos and  podcasts, prayer is a priority. 

I appreciate all the prayer support!


I have some thoughts that I share with others through email. I would like to share with you. Would you consider joining my email list so I can send you a few words of encouragement once and a while?

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