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Gary writes and leads conferences and seminars around the world! He has preached on 5 different continents.

From leading a small group discussion to teaching masters classes in college, Gary is a unique communicator of God’s Truth.

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The goal of the seminar is to create an awareness of depression and how it affects Christians. This seminar discusses the worlds and Bibles view of depression and how it causes relationship issues. How to understand the root causes, how they affect our daily lives and how we respond to God are all topics in this seminar. Biblical examples are discussed and methods to confront our depression are presented.

First, Gary lays the foundation of how we are designed for freedom. Then he explores the problem of sin and how we are restored through faith in Christ. Walking in the freedom that comes through Christ, how does one lead others? Next Gary discusses how to identify living in the flesh, our belief system, and how God’s love supersedes that belief system. The next area covers the concepts of Law and Grace. Exploring the details of how it looks to be living in Grace. Finally there is Freedom in God’s Truth.  Gary covers trusting in the Lord, and how to daily live the abundant life. The end is learning to walk in the Spirit means living from our true identity.

Intimacy with God is a seminar that begins with an exploration of what is intimacy, and then into what is intimacy with God.  Once salvation restores us to a right relationship to God,   Gary discusses how to cultivate intimacy with God and how to seek Christ above all things.

Cultivating intimacy requires trust, vulnerability, and transparency. Gary explores these aspects and how to exercise them with God and fellow humans.

In this seminar, Gary teaches what it means to live by faith and how to do it. He starts by discussing the nature of faith, the gift of righteousness, and what are faith and trust.  He describes the difference in walking by sight and walking by faith. He then moves into the benefits of trust in God, how to navigate trials, how to trust, and finally how to celebrate the cross.

In Marriage: The Journey to True Intimacy, Gary provides an in-depth seminar on relationships with each other and God.  The perceived problem is in our personal relationships and poor communication styles, and Gary shows the real problem began in the Garden of Eden when the Fall created fear and a void.

The flesh controls all the behavior that tears down true intimacy.  Gary explores God’s original design for man and woman in the Image of God. Instead of conflict, frustration, and pain, God’s plan is for us to surrender and trust Him. Through the freedom of forgiveness, relationships can be restored. The seminar concludes with ideas of how to rediscover intimacy through forgiveness.

First, Gary lays the foundation of grief by defining it for participants. Then he explores the process of learning to rearrange our thoughts to the new reality we are facing. Steps to overcome grief are explored which allow each person to define their losses and how they want to proceed forward.

Areas such as being stuck in the past, resisting moving forward are discussed as well as ways to interact with other who may be experiencing grief. Using the story of Job, Gary explores how responses to God and others are important to the healing process.

Lastly Gary explores way counselors and others may be able to guide others through the difficult process of grief with some practical wisdom.

Gary begins with the difficulties that many Christians have in accepting the Fathers love and explores the obstacles we face in receiving unconditional love. Through Biblical examples Gary explains what the father’s heart is like even when we fail or turn away. In this study you will learn the lifestyles and concepts that influence our perception of God: Orphan, Slave, and Son. By exploring these 3 concepts we discern how our beliefs about the father influence our response to the Father and our relationship with Him.

Once we realize that we are daughters and sons, we experience who the Father is and how His love transforms us. As Children of God the Father, we now have a heavenly DNA and a supernatural Father in whom we can trust. Knowing that He provides for us, listens to us and is always with us.

Finally, Gary will guide us in answering the question: How do we perceive ourselves- as Orphans, Slaves, or Sons and Daughters? In answering this question you will learn the attributes of our Heavenly Father and the importance of seeing God as a loving Father.

Anxiety is different than stress. This seminar defines anxiety from both a world’s perspective and a biblical one. Participants will learn how they have become anxious, why they remain this way, how it affects their lives and how God wants to set them free from anxiety.

Understanding anxiety from a counselor’s perspective is also a part to this seminar when presented to leadership in counseling ministries and church staffs.

The goal of the seminar is to create an awareness of our emotional health and to learn to become emotional mature Christians. This seminar discusses the world’s and Bible’s view of Emotional health and how it affects ourselves and others. What are our main areas of awareness and how they affect our relationships? How we process emotions as Christians, how they affect our daily lives and how we respond to others are all topics in this seminar. Biblical examples from Jesus and others are discussed and methods to manage are emotions are presented.

Homosexuality and the Church: Understanding and Ministering to the Homosexual explores the biblical basis for gender and sexuality. Gary presents scripture about sin and biological sex.  He shows how we are to see individuals as Christ sees them, to avoid labels, and to recognize God does not make mistakes.

Gender identity may be learned through our experiences and beliefs in childhood. Gary describes how this may happen based on feelings, not truth, and that there is hope in Christ. He goes on to describe how Jesus gives us a new spirit and a new identity. In Christ, we have salvation and forgiveness.

Homosexuality seems to be an identity issue and a spiritual battle. Christ is our guide when we are lost. Gary concludes with the role of leaders to protect the flock through messages, beliefs and thoughts.

Leading any group can be challenging but in the 21st century we have some fairly large challenges. This seminar looks at these challenges, defines way we can interact with our team and how to lead without losing our influence. What does Jesus say about this world? Does He have answers that we may have not known or forgotten? Topics such as frustration, servant leadership, decision making and more are discussed in this leadership seminar.

This is a seminar about learning to let God manage your life. Gary begins by delineating two ways to manage life; Without Christ, in the flesh, or with Christ, walking by the Spirit.

He goes on to discuss the Fall of Man and the results of the fall. Gary then outlines a life without Christ versus a life with Christ in the context of our basic needs.

Other sections detail the role of the Holy Spirit, describe indwelling sin, and then contrasts living in the Spirit or the Flesh and the example of Jesus.

Gary returns to the question, “How am I managing Life?” In later sections Gary guides participants to repentance, surrender, and then celebration of allowing Christ to manage life through the Holy Spirit.

In presenting Parenting, Gary identifies the purpose of the conference is to empower parents to effectively raise children who seek Christ as Life and rest in Him.  He explores the goals parents may have, including raising Godly children. Parents and children have different motivations, and Gary discusses each.

After acknowledging different family structures and struggles, Gary cites scripture to reveal a method of creating boundaries and discipline. Applying these methods includes teaching, correction, reproof, and training in righteousness. Gary concludes with ways to course-correct parenting and entrust themselves and their children to God.

Defining the soul and how it operates in our daily lives is discussed in ways that helps participants know how to rest. Using Matt. 11:28-30 Gary explores how Jesus provides rest. Practical steps are outlined to allow participants to understand and create an environment of rest. Learning to relax, while dealing with life’s issues, is an essential part of this seminar.

Understanding the way we “operate” in our daily lives to control our stress levels is key to releasing control. This seminar explores why we control, how we attempt to control and how to release control. Our stress level may be a positive trait when it motivates us for change but usually we allow stressor to create a poor response to others and hinders our relationships.

The process of releasing control deals with learning to trust God with ourselves and our situations.

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