do you Want to Save your marriage before it starts?

premarital counseling

Your wedding is expensive. Thought about investing in your marriage?

Premarital counseling will help you discover:

Your Personalities

Unpack your unique personality dynamics not only as individuals but as a couple.

Your Talk Styles

Crack the code for deep and meaningful conversations to enjoy heartfelt and lasting connections.

Your Money Methods

Kick financial friction to the curb and ensure you realize your shared dreams together.

Your Fight Types

Discover your “hot topics” and the secret of leveraging conflict for a stronger relationship.

Your Love Life

Cultivate deeper intimacy and enduring passion for a lifetime of pleasure and fulfillment.

Your Deepest Longing

Create your ultimate soul-to-soul connection and discover how to infuse your relationship with meaning.


Plans to fit your schedule

Busy couple? Schedule a one day intensive session in my office.

Got more time? Schedule 6 one hour sessions via ZOOM.

All counseling includes your personal 15 page SYMBIS assessment.
You will receive a certificate that meets Georgia requirements for a discounted marriage license.

To get started email us today!


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